REWHC 2003 Recertification

REWHC Has Achieved Recertification
With The Wildlife Habitat Council

Raytheon's Facility in Portsmouth, Rhode Island

Baltimore MD -11/18/03
The Raytheon Employees Wildlife Habitat Committee (REWHC) achieved recertification with the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) today after submitting results of its ongoing wildlife management activities. IDS Portsmouth initially achieved certification in 2001, becoming the first Raytheon and first corporation in Rhode Island to do so. Recertification by the WHC for a three year term acknowledges REWHC's implementation of a meaningful Wildlife Management Plan with significant results from multiple programs. These programs include Bluebirds for Aquidneck, Plantings for Diversity, Paths to Awareness, and Educational Interludes as described below:

A Mother Tree Swallow
Returns to her Nest in the Meadow

Bluebirds For Aquidneck
Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) is situated on Aquidneck Island, separated from the mainland by Narragansett Bay on the West and the Sakonnet River on the East. Though plentiful on the mainland, Bluebirds are rarely seen on the Island and are not known to breed here. Through application of a series of nestboxes, strategically placed and closely monitored, REWHC hopes to achieve Bluebird breeding on their site. To date, 24 nest boxes have been placed, monitors trained, and monitoring performed over the last three nesting seasons. Though no Bluebirds have been spotted yet, Tree Swallows, House Wrens, and Black-capped Chickadees have been produced through their efforts. REWHC continues to strive for the environment which will bring Bluebirds their way.

Wildflower Gardens
Promote Pollinating Species

Plantings For Diversity
Recognizing that plants provide food and cover for many species of wildlife, REWHC established wildflower gardens, butterfly & hummingbird gardens, planted trees, and removed invasives to provide food and cover for native species. They are increasingly investigating the role of plants in establishing a food chain for species they wish to promote.

Celebrating National Trails Day on the Tower Trail

Paths to Awareness
Access to natural areas, promotes appreciation of the natural world. REWHC has developed and maintained over three miles of trails on their campus, including an interpretive trail which describes the trees and their historical uses. Many employees visit the trails before and after work, during lunch, and on weekends. REWHC has created interpretive trail guides for their trail system.

Brownies Learn about Birds and Their Nests

Educational Interludes
REWHC is fortunate to have a site with such interesting history and species diversity. Sharing this knowledge with both the community and Raytheon Employees is a way of increasing awareness of nature that lasts. REWHC has identified the theme of "The Emerging Forest" for an interpretive trail and has provided guided trailwalks to school groups, scouting organizations, other community groups, and their employees. They have also created an educational module on bird adaptation called "Create-a-Bird" and have deployed it to schools via a local Bird Sanctuary and directly to scouting groups and the community. REWHC has also provided educational talks on local history, stone walls, and has brought in videographers, arborists, and Ornithologists for lunchtime discussions.

With recertification, REWHC is not resting on its laurels, they are broadening the above programs as they learn more as a team, building on measured results and introducing additional projects as needed. Since applying for recertification they have initiated a new project called "Coyotes on Patrol".

Buster, the Foam Coyote, is Deployed
facing the Reservoir by Tom and Greg

Coyotes on Patrol
For wildlife to exist in harmony with modern corporate life, accommodations must be made. Such is the case with Canadian Geese whose prodigious droppings provide an unsightly mess and limit employee activities. Researching nonlethal approaches to Goose Management, REWHC has deployed a series of 8 lifelike Coyote decoys throughout the campus to deter Canadian Geese from landing on their mowed fields.

View our initial certification letter.

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